It's not too intimidating to post caricatures of people most don't know...who's to say 'that doesn't look like so and so' if there's no reference. So I thought I'd post some more familiar faces and see if people can guess who they are, make sort of a contest out of it. If it goes well hopefully there will be more contests. One prize I'd like to offer at some point is a free one month trial membership to
www.CartoonRetro.com where you can see illustrations from some real caricature artists. People like Roy Nelson, William Auerbach-Levy, and a slew of others.
SO the contest is...
If you guess both caricatures correctly and are the first to post I'll send you 12 dollars annddddd....86 cents, the exact amount of money I have on my person right now.
It's a win win for me...nobody guesses right, I'm a lousy caricature artist but get to keep my $12.86...somebody guesses correctly and I've done at least an adequate job and may have a future with this 'art thing' after all.
Best of Luck...